Sunday 7 November 2010


Smuggling peanuts.
Now Sunday is meant to be the most uninteresting all 7 days of the week. I happen to agree with this. Honestly I usually do nothing on a Sunday. So basically I need something to do. Everyone seems to be working, or watching Something For the Weekend. Which I also do.

However today I do have some sort of plan for my day, at some point I will be going to Topman to buy some rings or bracelets. Which nicely leads me on to Topman and other shops in general. Basically I hate going into most shops, mainly due to the fear that I will get stuck behind some women who are fascinated with something shiny (not all women do this). However I really hate being behind or being with people who walk slowly. It really annoys me.

Evidently taken after something bad happened.
Anyway back to today's activities. tonight is of course the elimination x Factor thing. I have a feeling it will be either Katie or Wagner. They are my predictions, I don't really want Katie to go, she's very deserving of a place in the x Factor.

Okay, well It's about 3pm and I have not been to Topman. There is one thing holding me back. The fact our boiler broke and we have no heating or hot water, they repair people said they would be here by wednesday. Which is a long time away, 3 days to be precise. It's annoying because I had to try and fill an entire bath with a 1.7 litre kettle. It took about an hour and forty minutes. Bad bad bad times. So I am home bound for the rest of the day, I will just go to Topman tomorrow morning on my way to college. Oh the stresses of being a student.

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