Wednesday 27 October 2010

The Beginning.

So yeah, this is my very first post on this blog. And yes that is me on the right hand side.

This is basically where I will be telling the readers (if there are any) of anything, anyone or any times that had made me think or have been remotely interesting in my life. I will also be weekly adding my opinion on the weeks' dreaded x factor and most likely I will rant about Eastenders every now and again.
The majority of the blog probably won't appeal to most people as I have decided to make comments on things that I don't like so therefore I am expecting some negative feedback, if any.

So then i know this happened a little while ago but i really want to talk about it. making sure i'm not insane and all that. Basically last week it was my bestfriend of about 14 years' birthday. Now she is just as obscure as I am so i decided to send her a present as she no longer lives anywhere near by. So basically i bought her a load of stuff, not going to say what it is and where I got it, just incase she is reading and i don't want to ruin the surprise for when I next see her, i then proceeded to package it up in a box i bought from the post office. Now this is not very interesting right but, when i took it down to the post office to send to her, the woman at "Cashier Number 5 Please", Thats what the machine says when it's your go, told me that I would be unable to send it as the package was, and I quote "too light". Now I didn't really understand this so my main reaction was pretty much wtf? so she then said there was not only a limit on how heavy something should be but how light it HAS to be, so still confused I said, "Surely it's easier for the post ment to deliver something that is lighter rather than it weighing a tonne?" She then went on to tell me to not use that tone of voice. Now I was completely unaware i was using any "tone of voice" I was more confused at the stupidity of the woman and her rules on the weight of my box. So basically I left took the contents out of the box and sent the card on it's own. I used a different post office to send the card, mearly out of spite and I didn't want to see the same woman at that post office as she may have taken revenge by throwing my post in the bin. Which she really wouldn't be allowed to do and i did know that, it was just a personal thing. So I just wanted to know if anyone else thinks it is a bit stupid, or if I am the stupid one? I also want your opinion of if you think I reacted the wrong or right way. So yeah leave a comment if you are reading this and I will defiantly read it, and I will do my best to reply, if I can.